Jul 20, 2020

SMTP Host: smtp.office365.com SMTP Port: 587 SSL Protocol: OFF TLS Protocol: ON SMTP Username: (your Office365 username) SMTP Password: (your Office365 password) Also make sure that your: "From" email in HESK settings (General tab) is set to your Office365 email address How to configure an SMTP server - smtp mail server Server Name: the actual SMTP server’s specification. You can find it either consulting the web page of your provider, or searching for it on our list of server POP and SMTP. Port: usually SMTP works with port 25, but as the screenshot shows it can work also with 587. For further information, check out our article about SMTP ports. UDP – what the User Datagram Protocol can do - IONOS UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a connectionless protocol of the internet protocol family that operates at the transport layer and was specified in 1980 in RFC (Request for Comments) 768. As a lean and almost delay-free alternative to TCP, UDP is used for the fast transmission of data packets in IP networks . What is an SMTP port - smtp mail server - professional

Service: Port: Protocol: echo: 7: tcp: echo: 7: udp: discard: 9: tcp: discard: 9: udp: systat: 11: tcp: systat: 11: tcp: daytime: 13: tcp: daytime: 13: udp: netstat

From my UNIX network protocol programming days I only remember it being TCP -- no connection, no POP server. But I think Apple did something with UDP for SSL POP mail. so I'd guess Todd uses a Mac to write his books. What are the differences between SMTP and TCP handshaking

Using UDP Services | Microsoft Docs

UDP: BOOTP, DHCP: Downstream: UDP Port 67, which is used to obtain dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) address information from our dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server, is vulnerable to malicious hacks. IPv4: 135-139: TCP/UDP: NetBios: Both: … Overview of common TCP and UDP Default Ports The versatility of these TCP and UDP ports available enables you to select the most appropriate one for your task according to your requirement. Following are some of the common TCP and UDP default ports. SMTP - 25. SMTP is known as the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It …