May 21, 2019 · Configuring a network connection from a Linux machine can be challenging. Fortunately, many new Linux distributions come with some type of network management tool that can help you automatically connect to a wireless network. But wouldn't it be nice to be able to set up a static network connection from a Linux machine?

The Linux socket TCP/IP protocols network programming A tutorials, info and how-to on Linux sockets that based on the TCP/IP and OSI network protocol suite. This tutorial provides working C program examples with output snapshots for every protocol in the TCP/IP stack. The TCP/IP protocols are referred to the Request For Comment (RFC) documents and tested on the client-server Linux machines Making changes to Linux network protocol stack Oct 13, 2003 Linux: Networking Commands - Xah Lee

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Network Performance Tuning Guide

TUN and TAP in the network stack Though for similar tunneling purposes, only one at a time can be used because TUN and TAP apply to different layers of the network stack. TUN, namely network TUNnel , simulates a network layer device and operates in layer 3 carrying IP packets. This BACnet protocol stack library provides a BACnet application layer, network layer and media access (MAC) layer communications services. It is an open source, royalty-free library for an embedded system, Windows, Linux, or other operating system. Example BACnet client and server applications are included.

Oct 13, 2003 · 1) I've assumed that any audio or video streaming application on Linux would use Linux's UDP/IP protocol stack, and would not be creating it's own fully-encapsulated RTP/UDP/IP packets. Is that right? In other words, would most programs simply create a fully configured RTP packet and then pass it on to Linux for the UDP and IP headers?

Illustrated Guide to Monitoring and Tuning the Linux Oct 11, 2016 Architecture — The Linux Kernel documentation For each front-panel port, DSA will create specialized network devices which are used as controlling and data-flowing endpoints for use by the Linux networking stack. These specialized network interfaces are referred to as “slave” network interfaces in DSA terminology and code.