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ping cmd does not resolve host name - Tech PING -a tries to resolve the hostname from the local DNS setting=2E= The problem is probably one of four things: Your local DNS does= not know the IP Address, the reverse lookup is not setup, that= the machine that you are pinging does not self-register with= DNS, or the DNS servers reverse lookup is not "owned" by the= client=2E router not resolving local hostname - TP-Link SOHO Community Feb 29, 2020 Pacman could not resolve hostname issue : archlinux I've had similar issues with systemd-resolved unable to resolve some hostnames, complaining about DNSSEC. Restarting systemd-resolved fixes it for several hours then it breaks again.

Can ping IP of DNS server but not hostname

Fix: SSH Error 'could not resolve hostname server Jun 27, 2018 "Can't resolve host name" - Server Support and

Could not resolve the [FQDN] to hostname error |VMware

Cannot resolve Hostname from the HOST when use |VMware Jul 02, 2009 HOW TO FIX CAN'T RESOLVE HOSTNAME!!! - YouTube Apr 05, 2017