Strict censorship was imposed in Australia at the start of the war. The Menzies Government established the Department of Information to control publicity and censorship. The Government censor issued an average of eight instructions per day to Australian newspapers and radio stations between 1940 and 1945. Censorship was necessary:-

Sep 11, 2008 · Australian Censorship Makes Fallout 3 Better Everywhere Bethesda veep Pete Hines told UGO Online that the point of contention with the Australian Office of Film and Literature Classification Film censorship has become a part of the Australian way of life. Guarding other people’s morals is not just an official passion, it is a national disease. It is time to bury the notion that Australians are less worthy of being treated as adults than their fellows in Europe and America. Apr 04, 2019 · Australian government sets global precedent with online censorship bill By Mike Head 4 April 2019 In the wake of the fascist attack in New Zealand, the Australian government is bulldozing During the 20th century Australia was one of the strictest censors in the western world, often banning imported material that was considered suitable reading in England, Europe and America. The Australian government’s cancer data show the dramatic rise in cervical cancer in young girls vaccinated with Gardasil. Merck markets Gardasil as a prophylactic against cervical cancers despite the company’s own pre-licensing studies that showed a 44.6% INCREASE in cervical cancers among girls exposed to HPV virus prior to vaccination Censorship, especially Australian censorship, is getting increasingly heated. The battle over piracy is being waged all over the world. Although efforts against piracy seem to have some effect ; the biggest irony is that several studies have shown that those who download the most also spend the most .

Internet censorship: how does each country compare

Australian government secret ACMA internet censorship blacklist, 6 Aug 2008 (2009-03-18) Australian Government adds Wikileaks to banned website list (2009-03-27) The Australian communications regulator has issued a stark warning that websites who link out to 'banned' hyperlinks are liable to fines of up to Aus $11,000 a day. The Wikileaks page was submitted to the authorities for consideration in mid-February by a self-proclaimed anti-censorship advocate Tardis42, a member of, a popular Australian Feb 05, 2010 · Of note is the reference by the Australian Minister to the United Kingdom’s current internet censorship. Yes, if you didn’t realise it, the UK already has some basic internet censorship.

It has been vocal on the issue of Internet censorship in Australia. In that role, he was responsible for internet censorship, the National Broadband Network, and the proposed switch to digital television as a complete replacement for analogue.

Feb 23, 2015 · Censorship is a tricky issue. While many people assume that it happens only in distant, less-developed regions, it’s actually surprisingly prevalent. In fact, Australia, a major developed country uses censorship quite often. Australia, which has the second highest HDI (which stands for Human Development Index, a common measurement of development) in the world. Interestingly, the newt writes "The Australian Government is planning to conduct live trials of as-yet-unspecified censorship technology. But as every geek already knows, these systems can't possibly work in the presence of VPNs and proxy servers. PC Authority clues the punters in." Maybe the ISPs secretly like enco Nov 15, 2017 · Education is the country’s third-largest export (after iron ore and coal), and many Australian universities now rely on full-fee-paying international students, of whom nearly 30 percent are from